We are proud to present you; It’s me, It’s we, It’s us. 

In this collaboration between art director @senakirfa, photographer @ashleyrottjers and The New Originals we actively use the notion of the 9 dots to stimulate ourselves to find ways of visualizing our shared realities.

The series is an ongoing dialogue told from the perspective of a unique influential community from the city of Amsterdam, photographed on indispensable locations in Amsterdam marked by the gaze of our models through their own relevance, linked to the development of their identity. 

The implementation of the notion of the 9 dots means to together actively focus on the demarcated realities within ourselves and pave the way to propagate realistic narratives, representation matters. It’s me, It’s we, It’s us. 

Art Direction: Senakirfa Abraham @senakirfa
Photography: Ashley Röttjers @ashleyrottjers 
Styling: Faou Biera @faoubiera + styling assistant Soraya Gunning @sorayagunning 
Joya Diop @joyadiopjoya
 Isha Forster @phantom.wizard 
 Timothy Goring @itsatimothing 
 Sandy van den Brink @san.d_y 
Hadjja Fatmata Tinggell @hadjjafatmatatinggell 
Djenna Saccoh @djenna.saccoh 
Rudjene Groeizaam @woe__tang 
 Jay Jay @Gn_5713